Patty Palazzo
Patty Palazzoはオハイオ州Akronで生まれる。子供のころから、常にアートやミュージック、そしてファッションに囲まれて育った。Kent州立大学でグラフィックデザインの学位を取得。1995年の大晦日にLos Angelsに移り、以来Los Angeles在住。
Duran DuranのJohn Taylorと仕事をする機会を得て、多くのスキルを発揮。Johnは彼女にとって偉大な師であり、友人であり、サポーター。Johnが90年代後半にソロとして活動していた頃、彼のウエブサイト’Trust the Process(TTR)を作り、メンテナンスに携わる。この仕事は、彼の音楽、音楽に対する考え、アイデアを表現するクリエイティブな手段に関わり、ファンとの素晴らしい架け橋にもなった。Johnと共同でCDパッケージのデザインを手がけ、Tシャツ、フーディーズ、スティッカー、ポスター、雑誌などを次々と商品化した。それはまるで2人にとってアート・スクールのようだった!
そしてJuicy Coutureの共同創設者のGelaとPamの下で働き、Juicy Coutureのロゴ・アイデンティティを作る。彼女たちから多くの刺激を受ける。 そこでは、数年間、レディースのグラフィック・ロゴやデザインを手がけ、Juicy Coutureがメンズラインを立ち上げたときには、Johnとともにデザインの分野で大きな役割を果たす。 5年間をかけて、何百、いや何千(おそらく!)ものロゴやデザインをクリエイト。
現在は、自身のブランド、The Punk Mastersを立ち上げ、Tシャツやグリーティング・カードを手がけている。
これらは、すべてPattyがデザインしたハンドスクリーンのプリント。 彼女が愛するスクリーン・プリンティングのアートを楽しんでもらえいたい。デザインは、Juicy Mensを去ったときからはじめる。 クラシックな作品や何世紀にも渡る王族の美学を心に描きながらパンクやロックの要素をちりばめ、Patty Palazzoの世界をた。もちろんユーモアのエッセンスも忘れずに!
Viva Les Art, Music and Fashion!
As you've probably guessed my name is Patty Palazzo. Born and raised in Akron, OH, it's always been about art, music and fashion for me. I graduated from Kent State University with a Graphic Design degree in hand, and then moved to Los Angeles New Year's Eve 1995 - and never left!
Technically, yes, I am a graphic designer, however, I've worn many hats over the years: personal assistant, web designer, web mistress, photographer, merchandiser, photo retoucher, videographer, music editor... sounding board! I've been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to explore many of those skills working with John Taylor of Duran Duran, who has been a great mentor, friend and supporter. John was working solo in the mid-late '90s, and I helped him create, run and maintain his website, known as Trust The Process (TTP). It was a grassroots, creative outlet for his music, thoughts, ideas and a great way to maintain a connection with his fanbase. It was also a no rules creative playground and experiment lab for me! I learned a lot and grew a lot. I worked with John on designing all of his CD packaging as well as creating other merchandise (t-shirts, hoodies, stickers, posters... a magazine!) It was like art school for the both of us!
In addition to working with John, I was brought on to create the logo identity for clothing company Juicy Couture and worked very closely with Juicy's co-founders, Gela and Pam (whom I consider great mentors and inspirations as well). I also worked on women's graphic logos and designs for the company for many years. Eventually Juicy launched a men's line, and John and I played a big part in the design direction of it all. Hundreds (thousands maybe??!) of logos and designs were created by us over 5 years. Partners in couture crime. It was a lot of fun, and yet another creative outlet I'm grateful for where I learned so much, surrounded by some amazing people.
In the midst of all of this, I've also had the pleasure to have an ongoing working relationship with Duran Duran since 2003 designing logos, t-shirts, tour programmes, calendars, DVD packaging, stage clothes, CD packaging and a vinyl album.
Adding another log to the fire, I'm now just launching my own t-shirt/greeting card line, which you will find on this website. Called The Punk Masters, it's all about designs created and hand screen printed by me. I love the art of screen printing so now I get to do it all! The designs start where I left off with Juicy Mens, combining imagery and aesthetics from the great classic masters and royalty of centuries past, but punked up and rocked out and living in my world now - all with a healthy dose of humor on the side. Viva les art, music and fashion!